Self-Isolation and Shielding - You are not alone

Self-isolation is about saving lives by slowing down the spread of COVID-19. It is very important that anyone who has the virus, or might have been exposed to it, should Stay At Home. This is the most effective way of preventing the coronavirus from spreading. If you are asked to self-isolate, it is important that you follow the NHS advice which is there to help keep you, your loved ones, and your community safe.

Shielding is to protect people who at very high risk of severe illness from coronavirus (COVID-19). The NHS is sending out guidance to all in the high risk group. If you have been advised to self-isolate by a health professional or through official Government advice, all the instructions you need to follow are available on the government website.

With the internet and mobile networks keeping people connected while physically apart, no one need be alone.

Some tips on managing stress at home can be found here.

Some easy to do exercises can be found here.

Mutual aid groups for COVID-19 

There are a number of COVID-19 mutual aid groups for local areas across the UK. These are self-organised groups of local people who volunteer to support people self-isolating in their area whilst following government guidelines. Please note that these groups are volunteer-led and not associated with a particular organisation. Visit the Croydon Facebook group for more details.

Food and Essentials Hub for older people - Age UK Croydon

Age UK Croydon is supporting older people in the borough with their Food and Essentials Hub:

Financial help 

The current situation is putting financial pressure on many of us. 

Turn2Us explains how welfare benefits are being adjusted to support people, and how to claim. 

If you need help with benefit advice, form filling and benefit appeals you can contact the Croydon Welfare Rights team:

  • email – email is the preferred method of contact at this time.
  • phone 0800 731 5920 – operating from Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm. Please note there is no face-to-face service. 

Money Saving Expert summarises financial support, including information on energy bills. The government has agreed measures with energy companies to protect the energy supply of people on prepaid meters who are self-isolating.

Help with housing


Council tax help

Croydon Council has a form for getting help with council tax. For more information, contact the team: 
phone 020 8726 7000 between 9am and 4pm, Monday to Friday 

Help with rent

You will probably need to claim Universal Credit to get help with rent and housing costs. 

See the Croydon Council Universal Credit page for details on how to claim.

Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP)

If you already receive Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal Credit, you may be able to receive support from Croydon Council to top up housing costs for a limited time. This is discretionary, which means it is up to the council to decide if you are eligible to claim it based on the evidence you submit in your application. See the Croydon Council DHP guide for details. 


Domestic violence or abuse can happen to anyone. Find out how to recognise the signs and where to get help.

If you're worried someone might see you have visited this page, the Women's Aid website tells you how to cover your tracks online.

Domestic violence, also called domestic abuse, includes physical, emotional and sexual abuse in couple relationships or between family members.

Domestic violence can happen against anyone, and anybody can be an abuser.

You do not have to wait for an emergency situation to find help. If domestic abuse is happening to you, it's important to tell someone and remember you're not alone.

You can:

You can also email for support. It is important that you specify when and if it is safe to respond and to which email address:

The Survivor's Handbook from the charity Women's Aid is free and provides information for women on a wide range of issues, such as housing, money, helping your children, and your legal rights.

If you are worried that you are abusive, you can contact the free Respect helpline on 0808 802 4040.

Some more information and help can be found on:



1. Am I in a vulnerable group that gets help?

The NHS is sending out letters and text messages to patients at high risk if contracting COVID-19. To check if you are in a high risk group visit

2. Do I have to go to work if I have asthma, diabetes etc?

To see the most up to date guidance on this please visit

3. Can I order my prescription earlier than normal?

No, over-ordering and stock-piling places pressure on the medicines supply chain and we urge patients to order only their normal supply. Please order through our online Repeat Prescription section through Patient Access or order through our online secure form at clicking the blue button.

4. Do I need to come in for my appointment?

Due to the coronavirus DO NOT come to the practice. A clinician will call you before the time of your appointment. Ensure you have given us an up to date phone number. 

5. How do I register if I cannot come into the surgery?

We have an online form that you can complete. Please go to:

6. My employer has asked for a Self-certification/Fit note, how do I go about getting this?

If your employer has asked for an isolation note go directly to:

This page is currently under development - last edited 26.05.20